It’s that time again, Dear Readers. Time to take a
short stroll down memory lane and revisit the idiosyncratic bits of flotsam and
jetsam that wash ashore amidst the waves of our serious and important LGBT
legal and political news coverage.
Last year, conservative majorities in the New
Hampshire legislature unexpectedly refused to repeal the Granite State’s
marriage equality law. Fine, fine, fine. But which gay icon had an asteroid
named after him? Frank Kameny, of course!
In a historic leap of progress, we legalized
marriage in Washington, Maine and Maryland. Three cheers for us. But do you
remember the name of the woman who lay dead for a week in her London house
while her husband did drugs in the next room? It was Eva Rousing and I forget
the exact details.
We won an anti-bullying consent decree against the Anoka-Hennepin
school district in Minnesota. The EEOC determined that trans-bias was
officially covered under Title VII’s workplace discrimination language. The
Supreme Court accepted two major gay rights cases for the coming term. Yeah,
yeah, yeah. But how about those TSA pranksters who taped a dildo to two gay
guys’ luggage and covered it with lube? And did you hear that famed chewy
candies, “Mike and Ike,” officially got divorced? They seemed so happy.
I think you understand our priorities. So, without
further introduction, let’s proceed to our annual news quiz. Good luck,
1.Three of the following reported hate crimes were
fabrications. Which one actually happened? a) Joseph Baken of Missoula, Montana,
was beaten up outside a gay bar, b) Charlie Rogers, a Nebraska basketball
player, was overpowered and slurs were carved into her body, c) In Roanoke,
Jordan Addison’s car was vandalized with antigay scratches, d) Gay Republican,
Kyle Wood, was assaulted by gay Democrats for his work on a GOP campaign.
2.Which of these animals is openly gay? a) Winkleman,
the squirrel who can paint holding a brush in his mouth, b) Leonard, a
celebrity pug who lives in Tiberon, c) Tank, the Pomeranian who fell off a boat
into the Chicago river but miraculously wound up at a city intersection, d)
Romeo, a swan who lives in the Boston Public Gardens, e) Inca, a penguin living
at the Madrid zoo.
3.What’s my line? Match the name with the
confession: a) I thought the guy sitting next to me on the bus was an alien, so
I killed him and cut off his head with a knife, b) I ran naked down McArthur
Boulevard in Miami, beat up a homeless man and chewed off part of his face, c)
I was captured while googling myself in a Berlin coffee shop and arrested for
dismembering a student in Montreal and mailing parts of his body to Canadian
politicians, d) When my 12 year old son lost the sixth grade championship
basketball game, I attacked the other coach and bit off his ear, e) I bit the
nose off another inmate because he was gay.
Is my name: Timothy Forbes? Luka Rocco Magnota?
Vince Li? Timothy Schwartz? Rudy Eugene?
4.Which state decided to let school children select
the official “State Insect?” Hint: almost all our states have butterflies or
ladybugs or bees as their official insects. This state, by contrast, is
represented by the “tarantula hawk wasp,” a venomous flying hornet that lays
its eggs on a paralyzed tarantula so the baby wasps can feed off the living spider
when they hatch.
5.Who said that? Match the quotes to six of the
following twelve names.
a“Tu eras maricon”
b“I didn’t know you had families.”
d“Ain’t no homo gonna make it to heaven.”
e“Do you think Callista’s (Gingrich) hair snaps on?”
f“If you do it (gay sex) you must know that you are
wrong and it is rotten.”
Jason Alexander, the King of the Zulus, Manny
Pacquiano, Brad Pitt’s mother, Dahrun Ravi, Tripp Palin, Ric Grenell, a toddler
in an Indiana church, Mitt Romney, Yanel Escobat, Aaron Schock, Alan Chambers.
6.Which of these countries legalized same-sex
marriage in 2012? a) Denmark, b) France, c) Tasmania, d) Australia, e) New
Zealand, f) Israel, g) Taiwan, h) Argentina.
7.Who’s gay and who’s not? a) Gillian Anderson, b)
Honey Boo, c) John Travolta, d) the Green Lantern, e) Kristy McNichol.
8.Who wins the 2012 award for Straight People
Behaving Badly in our Columns? a) The professional tennis umpire who killed her
80-year-old husband with a coffee mug, b) The Florida man who severely beat his
mother at the dinner table for using his taco sauce, c) Lisa Biron, the
conservative Christian New Hampshire lawyer accused of transporting a teenaged
girl to Canada and forcing her to have sex with some guy on video, d) The 67-year-old
man who called 911 a dozen times to get a lift to the liquor store, e) The day
care workers who organized “toddler fights” and recorded the events on their
iphones, f) Lynn Evenchik, the straight travel agent who tried to initiate a
class action lawsuit against Avis for offering discounts to a GLBT travel
a, Which Catholic priest accidentally screened gay
porn to the parents in his First Communion class? Was it Father Marcel
Guarnizo, or Father Martin McVeigh?
b, Which political leader left his daughter at a
bar? Was it David Cameron, or Silvio Berlusconi?
c, Which sociologist recanted his antigay research?
Was it Robert Spitzer, or Mark Regenerus?
d, Which high-level (theoretically heterosexual)
power woman was caught in a lesbian scandal? Was it Florida Lt. Governor
Jennifer Carroll, or Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director Suzanne Barr?
e. Which word means “duck fat?” Is it schmaltz, or
10.How will the Supreme Court handle the two gay
rights cases next June? a) They will strike the Defense of Marriage Act using
the rational basis test and uphold the Ninth Circuit’s reasoning on Prop 8, b)
They will deny standing to the Prop 8 organizers and strike DOMA using
heightened scrutiny, c) They will deny standing to the Prop 8 organizers and
also deny standing to the House Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group, but will
acknowledge the Justice Department and strike DOMA in a vaguely worded decision
d) They will restore Prop 8 and uphold DOMA using the rational basis test, e)
They will issue multiple opinions on all aspects of both cases, creating a
murky senseless hodgepodge, f) They will find that gay couples have a
constitutional right to marriage in a 6-3 decision authored by Roberts, g) They
will produce a different variation on the above combinations.
1: The answer is c), Jordan Addison. When Addison
couldn’t afford repairs, several local businesses fixed his car for free.
Joseph Baken was caught on video trying to replicate a Gabby Douglas backflip while
drunk as a skunk. He subsequently blamed his head injuries on a gay bashing.
Charlie turned out to be a nutcase, as did Kyle to a lesser extent.
2: The gay animals are b) d) and e), Leonard, Romeo
and Inca. Winkleman and Tank have never commented on their sexual orientation,
but Leonard, who belongs to Robin Williams, is openly gay. Romeo is in a long
term relationship with her partner, Juliet. Inca and his partner, Rayas,
recently adopted an egg.
3: a) Vince Li, b) Rudy Eugene, c) Luka Rocco
Magnotta, d) Timothy Forbes, e) Timothy Schwartz.
4: It’s New Mexico, aka the Land of Enchantment.
What if all policy decisions were based on a statewide vote by public school
students? We might not be better off, but things could get more interesting.
5: a) Toronto Blue Jay, Yanel Escobat, who actually
wrote it under his eyes, b) Mitt Romney, in a 2004 comment to the plaintiffs in
the Massachusetts marriage case that came to light this year, c) Tripp Palin,
age 3, to his Aunt Willow who refused to let him go swimming, d) The
four-year-old at an Indiana church, who sang an antigay song to laughter and
applause, e) Former gay Romney advisor Ric Grenell, who eventually resigned, f)
The King of the Zulus, during an anniversary celebration of the 1879 victory
against the British at the battle of Isandlwana.
For the record, Jason Alexander said cricket was a
“gay sport,” Manny Pacquiano said same-sex marriage was against God’s law, and
Brad Pitt’s mother wrote an antigay letter to an editor. Dahrun Ravi was
sentenced to jail time for his role in the 2010 suicide of Tyler Clementi,
Illinois Congressman Aaron Schock triggered gaydars around the country when he
wore a pink shirt, white pants and a teal belt to a White House picnic, and
Alan Chambers, the head of Exodus International, acknowledged that he still
felt attracted to men.
6: It’s a), Denmark. France continues to debate the
subject. Tasmania and Australia voted against marriage equality. New Zealand
marriage equality passed an initial vote and might be legalized next year. Israel
agreed to a gay divorce and recognizes marriage from elsewhere. Taiwan does not
recognize marriage equality but a gay couple “married” in a ceremony last May. Argentina
legalized marriage in 2010.
7: The correct response is e). Only Kristy, the star
of “Family,” is officially gay. Gillian has had a few lesbian “flings.” Honey
Boo is only seven or eight, but her Uncle Poodle is gay and likes to go
“wallowing” with his husband. Travolta, well what can we say? The Green Lantern is straight, but another
Green Lantern who lives on a parallel Earth is gay, so you get partial credit
for d) if you honestly picked the parallel Green Lantern rather than the
regular Green Lantern.
8: The answer is c). I think we have to give the
prize to Lisa, don’t you?
9: a) Martin McVeigh of Pomeroy, Ireland. Father
Guarnizo was the guy who denied communion to a lesbian at her mother’s funeral
in Maryland. b) David Cameron, who thought the child was in another car with
his wife. c) Spitzer apologized for his 2001 work on reparative therapy.
Regenerus stands by his study that compares the children of broken homes with a
gay parent unfavorably to intact straight households. d) Oh My God. Jennifer
Carroll was (allegedly) caught in the act having sex on her desk with a female
aide. Suzanne Barr was forced to resign after (allegedly) sexually harassing
various male subordinates. e) Schmaltz means duck fat. Shrift is priest-ordered
penance after a confession/
10: g) One can never predict the Supreme Court, ergo
it’s unlikely that anything I can think of will actually transpire.
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